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Security with a Smile: How Enos Opiyo Became a Student Favorite at Rongo University

Enos Opiyo captured in a photo while planting a tree at Rongo University on 10th May 2024 during countrywide tree plan

In the corridors of Rongo University, amidst the flurry of academic pursuits, there exists a silent guardian whose presence brings comfort and reassurance to the students.

Rongo University security guard by the name Enos Opiyo, 33, who has worked in the institution for a couple of years he has received alot of praises from students congratulating him for his service to them. His picture has been trending in many Whatsapp and Facebook groups since yesterday immediately after he took part in tree planting exercise.

According to Samson Nyamosi, 22, a third year education student in the institution, despite performing his duties as a security guard within the university premises like protecting the university property, maintaining order by enforcing regulations, he has really motivated and inspired many of them through excellent verbal communication with his seniors, colleagues, students and visitors at large.

“His dedication towards his job and his culture of showing respect to the young and the old is what makes him unique. As Rongo University fraternity we really appreciate and cherish him as our hero for his excellent services, ” said Samson.

“Personally, as a second year student student I’m always proud of the guy since he is very humane and interacts with anyone irregardless of whoever he/she is. I recall an instance of collision with school rules that were just put in place one year ago about school dressing code when I was in first year ,and it happened that unfortunately he caught me red handed as I tried to run away from the check-up they always do at the school gate, ” recalled, Brian Mwenda, 22, a communication student at Rongo University.

According to him, the scenario was very serious as he was demanding him to go to the vice chancellor’s office and explain why he was not in the right dressing code. He tried to articulate whatever reasons he didn’t met the dressing code policy.

“Everyone makes mistake, so instead of him harassing me, he gave pieces of advice and guided me. It’s until today I have never disrespected him because of the affection, humility, kindness and understanding he portrayed during the instance, ” Brian stressed.

According to another student, Kelvin Kipyegon, as Rongo University they are truly fortunate to have this best security guard as a vital member of their school community. His unwavering dedication and commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, and staff is commendable.

“In his role as security guard, he displays professionalism, kindness, and respect for all. He values every individual, regardless of their background or position, and treats everyone with the utmost care and consideration, ” said Kelvin during the interview.

Kelvin thanks the security guard for his outstanding service and for being a shining example of what it means to be a dedicated and compassionate member of their school family. He calls him dad because according to him, he deserves that tittle.

In November 2021 during Corona period according to Brian Mokinwa, third year education student, was the first day he came across human character of Enos, security guard.

Brian while in the school premises, he forgot face mask which was supposed to be worn by every student as one way controlling spread of the virus. Anxiety gnawed at him as he braced for the consequences of his oversight.

“The security guard in uniform approached me and instead of reprimanding me, his demeanor was different – a mix of authority and compassion. With a paternal air, he acknowledged the situation with understanding eyes. Without hesitation, he reached into his own pocket, producing a spare face mask and offered it to me, ” Brian said.

The security guard who comes from Awendo during the interview said that, it’s his character to help where he can and that’s how he was raised. This is the same love he receives in his place too.

“It’s my nature to treat everyone the same because if someone has not wronged why can’t you offer respect to him or her. I was raised well like this and during off days, back at home alot of people including children always love associating with me. Family children and our neighbors always fill my house when they see me around because I always treat them well sometimes I buy them snacks you know this is what children like, ” said Enos.

He urged security guards from other institutions to employ the same character since it cannot cost one anything. He stresses that, this life is short and always treat someone with respect even if you know or you don’t know him or her.